How to sleep after wisdom teeth removal 7 Tips

How to sleep after wisdom teeth removal. It is not unheard of to feel a bit apprehensive after having wisdom teeth removed, especially concerning sleep. To achieve the most restful sleep possible, there are several key steps you should take. It may help to limit physical activity and keep the head elevated while napping or sleeping during recovery time. Additionally, using a soft pillow and ensuring any painkillers have been taken prior to going to bed can make a world of difference in how you feel after waking up. Finally, it’s important to also follow your doctor’s guidelines for how often you should change out gauze and if other medications are necessary for healing. Taking these small but significant steps can ensure that your post-surgery sleep is as comfortable as it can be.

How to sleep after wisdom teeth removal

How to sleep after wisdom teeth removal

1. Pain medication remains crucial for a good sleep

When experiencing even the slightest discomfort, a good night’s sleep can feel seemingly impossible. To combat this frustrating feeling and ensure ample restful hours, oral surgeons often prescribe painkillers as an essential component of their overall care plan – something that shouldn’t be skipped over in favor of more accessible but less effective over-the-counter remedies.

Are you struggling with soreness in your mouth? Medication might offer temporary relief, but there’s a better way to deal with pain—try placing an ice pack against the affected area before bed. If that doesn’t help and the discomfort is unbearable, reach out to your dental office for assistance.

Sleeping under supervision

2. Sleeping under supervision

After having an extraction, the first 24 hours can be crucial for a successful recovery. To avoid unwanted swelling and costly complications down the line, elevate your head while sleeping instead of laying flat on either side. Dentists often place cotton gauze at the site to help absorb any blood that may come out during this time but take extra precaution by asking someone you trust to wake you up every hour – just in case.

After having your wisdom teeth removed, it’s important to be aware of the medications prescribed—drowsiness is a potential side effect, and lying down with gauze in your mouth can prove too risky. The best advice? Only use gauze when absolutely necessary; dental professionals recommend making that decision carefully.

Totally avoid sleeping on slippery surfaces

3. Totally avoid sleeping on slippery surfaces

If you’re after some midday shut-eye, leave your leather couch alone! With its smooth surface, it’s not the best place to rest, as a slip and slide into an unnatural position could cause more than just disrupted sleep—so make sure to snooze on your regular bed with your head slightly elevated for maximum comfort.

4. Create an apt environment for sleeping

Creating the perfect sleep environment is key to getting a good night’s rest. A dark, cool bedroom between 72-76 degrees Fahrenheit offers optimal conditions for slumbering away peacefully and waking up refreshed.

5. Staying hydrated and fed

Making sure your body has the fuel it needs to recover quickly is vital, and eating normally might not be an option in the immediate aftermath of surgery. Not to worry, though—when you’re healing, there are plenty of delicious treats that can keep your energy up! Enjoy creamy yogurts or blend soups for something savory; mashed potatoes, bananas, and even smoothies provide yummy alternatives as well during those first 24 hours post-op.

Drinking enough water is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and protecting your operated area. To ensure the site remains clean, add some salt to warm water for a refreshing rinse.

 Say NO to alcohol and tobacco

6. Say NO to alcohol and tobacco

Whiskey can temporarily take away the ache of life’s problems, however, when it comes to caring for your health there may be a downside. Tobacco and alcohol have been proven to slow down the healing in wounds or injuries. For this reason, dentists advise against consuming either until you are fully healed—something that all whiskey lovers should keep in mind.

7. Dislodging the blood clot can impact your sleep

Following a wisdom tooth extraction, the formation of blood clots in the empty socket is essential for proper healing. Yet sadly, some experience dry sockets after surgery—an unpleasant medical condition that results from improper clotting or dislodgement of the protective barrier, preventing infection and promoting recovery.

You certainly don’t want this to happen. Here are some tips that can ensure you won’t face complications:
● Don’t brush around the operated site for 24 hours to ensure your toothbrush does not dislodge the blood clot.
● Use two or even more pillows to keep your head elevated while sleeping.
● Altogether avoid staying up late during the first 48 hours after wisdom tooth removal. Give your body sufficient rest needed for wound healing.
● Suction resulting from using a straw can impact the blood clot formation in the operated spot. So, don’t use the same for at least a week.

Can gum line cavities be fixed?

If you’re dealing with a cavity that’s reached the gum line, don’t worry – it can be fixed! Depending on where your particular cavity is located, treatment could involve something as simple as having a filling placed or a more complex root canal procedure. No matter what though, taking care of cavities in this area will help ensure they won’t spread to any other parts of your mouth.

How long can cavities go untreated?

It is advisable to seek treatment immediately as soon as you notice cavities. The longer you keep a cavity without treatment, the worse it will become day by day. Within a period of 3 to 6 months, cavities can reach the nerve of your tooth. The speed at which a hole can worsen completely depends on your oral care habits and what you eat. Eating sugary foods with poor oral care can worsen your cavity significantly faster. Therefore, it is advisable to get a hole treated as quickly as possible to avoid the
condition from getting worse.

Follow Aftercare Instructions

After undergoing wisdom teeth removal, it is essential to allow your body proper time for rest and recovery. Don’t push yourself to do too much; plan a few days of self-care so that you don’t overwork your healing mouth—this will ensure a more peaceful night’s sleep! Make sure not only are you taking the necessary downtime when night falls, but also throughout light hours in order to get back on full form soon.

Struggling to drift off? Try setting the temperature in your bedroom between 60-67 degrees and switch all lights off. Keeping your phone face down avoids any illumination during the night, creating a calming atmosphere for you to settle into sleep more easily.

Combatting the Aftermath of Wisdom Teeth Removal

When a wisdom tooth is removed, some common symptoms may occur. We identify these common symptoms, along with medical advice from Mayo Clinic regarding best treatment practices.

  • Pain: You can ask your medical provider for a prescription to help with pain management. Mayo Clinic also suggests a cold pack and an over-the-counter pain reliever to help manage your pain, such as Tylenol. 
  • Bleeding: Some bleeding is to be expected, with some oozing from the wound site. To reduce bleeding, avoid excessive spitting and use gauze to protect the extraction site and blood clots.
  • Swelling and bruising: An ice pack is a quick way to tend to any swelling or bruising that may occur. Swelling typically lasts a few days, with bruising lasting a few days longer.
  • Nausea: Nausea can be common after your procedure, so if you feel nauseous, sip some ginger ale and rest for a bit to give your body time to recharge and recover. 

After surgery, it’s important to give yourself the time and space your body needs for recovery—and this includes giving your teeth some extra TLC. While you should wait 24 hours before brushing again, make sure you rinse with warm salt water every couple of hours in between so that everything can stay clean and healthy. On top of taking care while brushing when resumed, smokers should avoid cigarette use for at least 72 hours following their procedure if possible; the same goes for those who like to chew tobacco as well! Give your mouth an entire week off from such activities during healing.

Be sure to contact your doctor should you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Trouble swallowing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Severe pain
  • Fever
  • Prolonged, excessive swelling that lasts two or more days
  • Pus in or around the socket
  • Numbness or loss of feeling
  • Blood or pus in nasal discharge

Activities to Pull You Through the Recovery Period

Recovering from wisdom tooth extraction can be a painful and uncomfortable experience, but engaging in fun activities throughout the healing process is essential for keeping our minds distracted. From chilling out with some relaxing movies to getting creative by drawing or painting—there are plenty of ways to keep ourselves occupied while we recover!

  • Movies, audiobooks, and podcasts: These are easy ways to entertain yourself without putting any strain on your body. Curl up in front of a TV or grab a pair of headphones to tune into your favorite audiobook or flick. 

  • Puzzles: Puzzles are another low-energy activity that does not require a ton of movement and can be done right from the comfort of your bed.   

  • Video Games: As you begin to feel better, you can check out a new video game for a slightly more intensive experience. 

  • Read a book: This can be the perfect opportunity to catch up on your reading and dive into that new novel you have been pushing off.
Any activities that do not require a lot of motion and can be done from bed can help keep you entertained while waiting for your body to get back to normal.

When Can I Sleep on My Side After Wisdom Teeth Removal

After your recovery procedure, it’s essential to stick with sleeping on your back—not just for comfort, but also so that you can let gravity help the healing process. To make this as easy and comfortable a transition as possible, prop some pillows up around the head and neck area while lying down; these will provide support all night long! If an unfamiliar sleep position has been causing sleepless nights in the past few days, then give yourself time to adjust – eventually, comfy dreams should come flowing through once again.

Recovering from wisdom tooth extraction doesn’t have to be an extended and arduous journey. A few dietary switches, such as switching out hard foods for soft ones or cold drinks for lukewarm beverages can help accelerate the healing process and get you back on track faster! Making other adjustments like adjusting your activities or even investing in a comfier mattress could also make sure that not only will recovery time fly by but so too will those restful nights of sleep.

Can you brush away a cavity?

Good oral hygiene is the key to preventing cavities and keeping your smile healthy. Brush, floss, and expose yourself frequently to fluoride for early cavity detection that can be reversed in its beginning stage. Don’t wait too long though – once a full-fledged cavity has formed it’s almost impossible to get rid of through brushing alone.

How long do gum line fillings last?

When it comes to dental fillings, quality and longevity should always be top of mind. With a variety of different materials available, your filling can last up to 10 years – but make sure you keep an eye on it with regular checkups! That way, you’ll know exactly when the time is right for replacement.

When is it too late for a filling?

Small holes in your teeth may slip by unnoticed, but don’t ignore them! Timely fillings can nip the problem in the bud. But if you wait too long and let bacteria set up shop inside those cavities, you could be looking at more serious solutions to save your smile.

Taking care of your teeth is a great way to help ensure that any issues don’t become problems! Good oral hygiene practices (like brushing and flossing) can have a huge impact, but it’s also important to visit the dentist for regular checkups. Doing this every three months will not only keep you in good shape, but give you peace of mind knowing that your smile is healthy and bright.

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